Monday, September 30, 2019

Policies Introduced in the Past 25 Years Related to Education

Over the past 25 years, different policies have been put in place to influence the education system in different ways. Some sociologist would say that the main aim of these policies were to result in the marketization of the education system. Other sociologist would disagree; they believe that trying to create less inequality was the main intention when It comes to the educational reform. When the New Labour came to power, it seemed that policies they were in favour of were more aimed towards trying to create less inequality of different schools.One policy The New Labour introduced was free places in nurseries, this would ensure children from all backgrounds started educational development early and started to gain skills needed to start school. This would also give working class parents a chance to go out and work whilst their child is at nursery. They also introduced ‘Educational Action Zones’ these areas of deprivation were giving extra funding in order to lessen the inequality between these schools in worse areas to the schools in better areas.This is trying to give people of worse financial areas a better chance to gain access to good schools, and not just be limited to worse performing schools just because they live in a poorer area. They also introduced The EMA award, this was to try and get pupils to stay on in education past ages 16 (college, sixth form, apprenticeships etc. ) because if the pupils parent earned below a certain amount then the child would be entitled to ? 30 a week to help them with any costs that staying on in education may have.Although this may be contradicted by the inequalities that have been put in place by the steep rises in fees for universities, this has meant that working class pupils are at a disadvantage in comparison with the middle class. Previous to this; the conservative government introduced new right policies which are viewed as trying to create a market place out of the education system. They introduced several policies in order to force different schools in to competing with each other; this would then result in schools doing better.They aimed to create a parentocracy, where parents had much more choice when it came to schools for their children, they were able to choose which school they wanted their child to attend, rather than it being dependant on catchment areas like it was previously. This would result in schools upping their standards to gain pupils and ensure that parents would pick their school, funding was changed to be dependent on the amount of pupils a school had. By doing better than ther schools, more pupils would want to attend and result in more funding for the school, benefitting them and then helping them to improve further. Although, in order to rank schools against each other, there would have to be a system in place, so league tables were introduced and schools had to sit SATs and GCSE exams, the results were ranked in the league tables and parents could look through different schools to see where they were placed and pick the best school for their child, much like a market place.OFSTED were also introduced to monitor and inspect schools, they would review the schools standards in several different categories giving a report to be viewed in order to judge the school as a whole and give parents a wider range of data on the schools, giving them more understanding and a better basis to choose which school they would like their child to attend. These policies meant that standards for schools rose as they competed against each other and parents had a greater understanding of schools and had more freedom when it came to choice.On the other hand, it did also create problems, because the better schools got more funding and pupils, the worse schools weren’t able to get the funding they needed to improve which meant the gap between schools achievement became wider as the better schools got better and the worse schools became worse off this created greater inequality. Schools also started to exclude students that would affect their results in the league tables, this also created inequality.These inequalities may have been the reason for the new labour’s aim to wipe out the inequality because there was so much created. Overall, The Conservative party and New Labour both introduced new policies to the education system; the conservative was more aimed towards creating a market in the education system, whilst new labour strived to wipe out inequality in the system and tackle the issue of poverty. Although this being said, the new labour may have created more competition in the system by introducing faith and specialist schools.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Dialogue Between Plato and Nietzsche Essay

Plato and Nietzsche are sitting in a park enjoying a light picnic lunch. All of a sudden a man dressed in black, wearing a balaclava run’s past and steals Nietzsche’s Turkey sandwich. Nietzsche:This is preposterous! That immoral man has just stolen my last turkey sandwich! This is a horrible position to be in! Plato:What do you mean Nietzsche? Are you saying that you are in a worse position than the thief that stole your sandwich? Nietzsche:Yes that is exactly what I am saying. He isn’t the one who is going to starve to death now is he? Plato:Oh Nietzsche don’t be silly, you’re looking at this in the wrong way. You see, it is you who is in the better position since it is more shameful to inflict wrong than to suffer wrong. Evil derives from wrongful actions, those which by nature involve shame and/or pain. And theft is a very shameful act is it not? Nietzsche: Yes, being a thief is a very shameful way to live, as he is driven by his desires. He must have no self restraint what so ever. Without self restriction how could anyone lead a good life? For it is only through our will to power, strict obedience and restraint over a period of time can great thinking, art and virtue occur. Plato:I agree. The discipline to act justly, control and order one’s body and mind, not need anything and to live virtuously is the only way for true self-fulfilment. Those who repetitively satisfy their desires do not posses real power over one’s self because this gratification further stimulates, rather than eliminates, ones craving for desire. A person who is always fulfilling desire is in continuous need for further satisfaction, and thus acquires no true power over themselves as they are constantly controlled by their urges. Nietzsche:Not only does one need self discipline and obedience, like you said, but they also need to be freed from outer restrictions such as the â€Å"herd mentality† which constrains them from becoming a true leader. Who is to say that this thief does not have to qualities to rule? He has been trained that compliance and obedience toward his herd is best. This herd mentality forces its followers to repress their natural aspiration to become leaders, it unselfs gifted individuals and natural leaders. Qualities such as benevolence, modesty and pity are taught by the herd to be virtuous, when really it is the imaginative, daring, creative and courageous who are the virtuous ones, whom should rise above the herd because they are the natural leaders. Those who have to will to power (drive to do so) are able to live their lives the fullest and therefore ultimately become the ubermensch. Plato:Here is where we differ Nietzsche, the way I see it is that community or herd is not such a bad thing, leaders on the other hand are. Weaker people should not be subject to stronger people. Just like large countries should not attack the small ones, on the grounds of that they are stronger and therefore superior. Governments and communities help to restrain those who cannot restrain themselves and therefore guiding them into leading a more virtuous life. Leaders, such a politicians, on the other hand only seek to amuse and gratify rather than improve the soul. When morality is applied in the masses it is right and natural Nietzsche:But Plato, the theory of evolution has proved that God is dead and is no longer need to explain out existence meaning that conventional morality is irrelevant. Therefore we must create our own morality which is not transcendent or absolute. Plato:Wrong again Nietzsche. Just because there is proof that God may not exist, it doesn’t mean that man creates his own morality or anything else for that matter. You see, in this universe there are two different worlds, the material world and the metaphysical world. We experience the material world with our senses. We can see it, feel it, taste it and touch it. Whereas the Metaphysical world (world f the forms) exists beyond the senses. The Metaphysical world contains perfect examples of qualities and concepts that exist in the material world. We can recognise these concepts (beauty, justice, good etc) and qualities (colour, shape) because we have experienced them in the Metaphysical world. Our soul/mind experiences the Metaphysical world before birth, but the trauma of birth makes us forget this world and we must relearn it thorough philosophy. So, because there is a perfect examples of everything in the Metaphysical world that there is here in the Material world, there must be a perfect form of morality. This means that there is an absolute morality for mankind to live by.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Marijuana Argument Paper

To Legalize or Not to Legalize The question of whether or not to legalize marijuana has been a hot spot for this generation and is something that has enflamed a lot of passion in people. This issue plays a big part in the lives of Americans because marijuana is the most commonly used, and abused, drug in the United States (DuPont par. 3). Some people think it should be legalized because it would be good for the economy, it would help stop the drug wars, and because they believe it’s the right of individuals to smoke marijuana if they so desire.Other people think that it should not be legalized because of its negative health effects, dangers to society, and because they don’t think that marijuana has any benefits to the community of our country. Because of the scope of this issue, there are many strong arguments for and against the legalization of marijuana. However, in my opinion, marijuana should not be legalized due to its harmful side effects, negative impact on our economy, and overall danger to society. The first reason marijuana should not be legalized is that it leads to numerous health concerns for the user and those around him or her.Marijuana will increase the heart rate by 20% to 100% after using it and this can lead to later heart problems. It also affects the lungs and because when smoking marijuana, one inhales more deeply and for a longer time than when smoking cigarettes, so the effect on the lungs is even worse (â€Å"Marijuana† screens 1-2). It can lead to coughing, pulmonary infections, and lung cancer, and marijuana also represses the immune system, which exposes the body to numerous diseases (â€Å"What are the medical dangers of marijuana use? † screens 1-2).Finally, marijuana is very unhealthy for the brain. According to the web page â€Å"Marijuana† written by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana causes one to have distorted perceptions, impaired coordination, and problems with learning and m emory. These results can last for multiple days. Other extreme mental diseases that smoking marijuana can cause are anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia (screen 1). Not only that, but marijuana can indeed be addictive which leads to further health problems (â€Å"What are the medical dangers of marijuana use? † screen 3).Many people, when arguing in favor for the legalization of marijuana, neglect the negative impact marijuana has on its user, which is an incredibly important part of the argument. Yet marijuana does not only negatively affect the user, it also presents many dangers for society. One of these dangers is all the health risks that come from secondhand smoke. The secondhand smoke of marijuana can cause all of the health problems that smoking it directly does. If children are around smoke from marijuana, it can cause asthma, ear infections, breathing problems, and it can stunt their mental and emotional development (â€Å"Effects of Smoking† par. -2). Anot her concern for the safety of society that marijuana presents is people driving under the influence. If marijuana were legalized, the amount of DUI’s would absolutely increase (â€Å"Arguments For and Against Legalizing Marijuana† screen 1). Currently if a person gets pulled over for driving under the influence, they’re in for â€Å"double trouble,† so to speak, because the officer could arrest them for, obviously, driving under the influence, but they could also arrest them for possessing marijuana since it is illegal.If marijuana is legalized, people will still be given DUI’s, but they won’t be worried about going to jail for possessing marijuana, which might lead to more DUI’s. Marijuana has so many dangerous outcomes on society, which is one more reason why it should not be legalized. Finally, marijuana truly would not have any positive outcomes on our country. Many people argue that if we legalize marijuana, we can put high taxes on it and improve our economy from it. However, marijuana is very easy to get from other sources, so why would people buy taxed marijuana when they can get along just fine with marijuana bought from other locations? DuPont par. 11). People can grow their own marijuana in their backyards, get some from friends, or even get it from another country. In addition, the legalization of marijuana could lead to people advocating for the legalization of other, more dangerous drugs, which would cause of plethora of new problems. In the end, legalizing marijuana would truly do no good for our society. In conclusion, legalizing marijuana would not help at all in our fight to prevent the abuse of this drug.Legalizing marijuana will lead to numerous health problems, will hurt the safety of all people, not just the users, and it will do no general good for society. In fact, legalizing marijuana will simply increase the number of users and abusers. An effective way for controlling our countryâ€⠄¢s use of marijuana would be creating more prevention awareness problems. Many people do not know the harmful effects of marijuana and if they did, the amount of people who use marijuana would most likely drop. We need to take action to educate people about the harmful effects of marijuana so that this issue oes become exacerbated in the future. Works Cited â€Å"Arguments For and Against Legalizing Marijuana. †Pros & Cons of Legalizing Marijuana. University of Missouri at St. Louis. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. DuPont, Dr. Robert L. â€Å"Why We Should Not Legalize Marijuana. †Marijuana & Money. CNBC. 20 Apr. 2010. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. â€Å"Effects of Smoking. †Diseases & Health Conditions. Livestrong. 2012. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. â€Å"Marijuana. †DrugFacts. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Nov. 2010. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. â€Å"What are the medical dangers of marijuana use? † Health Concerns. Harvard. Web. 11 Sept. 2012.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Swot Analysis of Elderly Phones Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Swot Analysis of Elderly Phones - Coursework Example The company will also have a wider market to sell these phones. Many companies in the modern world are keen in making products that satisfy the demand of the young generation. The company specializing with the manufacture of phones for elderly people will thus enjoy a large untapped market (Hm 2009, p.156). Though the company will have all the above mentioned competitive advantages, it will also face an enormous barrier in its attempt to advertise it new product. Most companies now days are using social media to advertise their product. It will be an ineffective channel to be used by a company dealing with products demanded by customers of +55 years and above. This is because the majority of curly users are youths (Lesley & Wing 2003, p. 189). It only a small proportion of the old generation that uses curly. In case the companies unknowingly select prices viewed as unfavorable by the customers, then their products will almost lose all its customers. Old people are price sensitive. In case they feel that the price set for a commodity is high, they will shift to other cheaper commodities (Lesley & Wing, 2003, p. 225).Elderly people are also too rigid. In case the company happens to make a mistake in its process of Being the first company to identify such a unique market gap, it will create a large market share. This is due to the fact that the company will gain customers trust before other companies’ entry. The trust created will give the company a cutting edge in the market (Lesley & Wing 2003, p. 421). This may scare away other companies willing to enter the market thus giving the initial company room to be the sole supplier of the brand to the market. The company also has a chance to expand its product to other technology. After capturing it initial target market, the company has a chance to develop other product line to serve

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Some questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Some questions - Essay Example This includes the right to education, religion, and matrimony. The right to live and to have free speech in order to be heard and be heard truly with an understanding and open mind. And most importantly, the right to be respected at all times as humans, whether man or woman. The issue between genders have always been a controversy; as to who the â€Å"stronger laborer or the main economic contributor is†. (Byrne 132) Women have stood behind men for decades: a norm for them to serve under the towering image of their male counterparts. Not until recent years did women fight for their rights to be heard asking for society to uphold them. Through this, contemporary feminism has altered the debate on human rights in several different ways. They have risen to several different occasions to be the most powerful voice in the nation; rising to the challenge of political, environmental and at the same time economic agendas both in the entire nation and within their private spaces. If th e country’s leaders would support their objectives, not only will women be heard but every individual fighting for their human rights as well. Now, as the most powerful country in the world, to whom every nation look up to, the US should lead by example actively performing and promoting the rights of every individual no matter the status or gender. They should not limit themselves to laws and leave this responsibility to the UN. As an active member of this organization, it should empower the UN to ask everyone to actively participate in the promotion of human rights. It should not stop at being just a member but instead push forward to reach further in creating a greater impact in the entire world; thereby starting within the confines of its constitution leading by example and mandating respect towards every individual rights. Prejudice refers to attitudes of aversion and hostility toward the members of a group simply because they belong to it and hence are

Impact of the Golden Exiles on the cities economic growth and Essay

Impact of the Golden Exiles on the cities economic growth and solidarity among its immigrant community - Essay Example The initial group of Cuban self-exiles known as the "Golden Exiles" was responsible for establishing a prosperous and atypical exile community that would to this day exercise considerable influence over all early and subsequent Latin American immigrants living in Miami. . The Cubans who left the island for Miami after the Cuban Revolution of 1959 were on a political mission, they were to form a counter-revolutionary front, however to avoid nationalization of their assets they left with as much money as they could and it is this salvaged wealth that became the capital for businesses set up by Cuban-American entrepreneurs. This group was comprised of many professional who were educated, experienced and held well-established connections. For this they were able to contribute to the economic and social growth of the area in which they settled. Many other Latin Americans who later migrated to the US were also seeking political asylum as was the case with many Nicaraguans who were fleeing the dictatorial Samoza regime during the later years of the 1970s. However, desperate economic circumstances and poor living conditions soon replaced these political issues as the main reason for immigration throughout Latin America. ... y Alex Stepick and Carol Dutton Stepick in the article "Power and Identity: Miami Cubans" is quite poignant and demonstrates one way in which immigrants have been able to come together for a common goal. It is because of this that they have held great political influence and often their votes determine electoral outcomes in the state and senators are quick to offer incentives that would appeal to the group. However, dissent is becoming apparent within the ranks. The "Golden Exiles" and their supporters are adamant in their desire to implement measures that could break the socialist hold on Cuba and have fiercely backed the trade embargo that bans all economic interaction between Cuba and the US. On the other hand, many new immigrants want to open dialogue between the two countries with the hope of improving the economic situation since they still hold many close ties with people in Cuba. While these initial immigrant groups were able to reach and maintain a level of economic prosperity and independence, many other groups seem not to be able to achieve such mobility and opt to form communities such as those prevalent in Latin America cities. They forge solidarity based on more immediate and common concerns such as marginalization and adversity, and the need to preserve their culture. These issues seem to spring mainly from identity confusion because they not American enough to be accepted in the wider society but they are neither sufficiently Hispanic to claim their ancestral country as their own. While this does not allow them access to "white" society, the Latin American immigrant community can show solidarity with other historically marginalized groups such as the African-American groups. Though solidarity exists to a great extent, one cannot ignore the friction

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Gaunilo's argument from Anselm's point of view Essay

Gaunilo's argument from Anselm's point of view - Essay Example Gaunilo, a fellow monk and believer sought to oppose Anselm’s argument, saying it would force people to conclude existence of other non- existent things. His critic is usually described by philosophers as an overload idea, because he does not show how Anselm’s ideas are wrong but rather how it unsound in all applications, if it is unsound in one. Gaunilo argues that â€Å"god† in the argument placed by Anselm can be replaced by anything, in his case, â€Å"the perfect island. â€Å"Suppose we replace God with an island, this is how it would flow. Imagine a perfect island of which none like it is conceivable, now this idea exists in your mind. The existence of a perfect island in both the mind and in reality is greater than if it only exists in the mind. If the concept of a perfect island exists in the mind then we can imagine an island better than the â€Å"perfect island†. But we cannot imagine an island greater than this; we can conclude that this perf ect island exists. In defense of his theory, Anselm would argue that the idea of what entails a perfect island varies from one person to another, for example, to me, a perfect island would be one with sandy beaches and human occupation, while to another that would be one that is deserted and with abundance of let’s say fruits. ... In the second way he argues that no object can create itself, therefore there must be a first cause (God), who began the chain of existence of all things. Aquinas reconciled faith and reason, by borrowing heavily from Aristotle. The second cause is explained using the following steps; 1) The natural world has things that are caused by other things. There is therefore an order of efficient causes in the sensible world. Every sensible event that takes place has a distinct cause. 2) In the natural world, nothing can be the cause of itself. There is hardly a case in which an event in the natural world was caused by itself. Events occur that were caused by events rate than themselves. 3) In the natural world there cannot be an endless string of objects causing other objects to exist. We can therefore say that causes are preceded by effects. 4) There exists a supernatural being that causes the first chain of events; therefore the cause of such events is called God. The supernatural force h as to be a person with immense power and with divine attributes such as being omnipresent. These inferences are drawn from nature and causation. This argument has some flaws for example the identity of the cause does not have to be God. It is flawed to assume that the cause of the events that take place in nature has to originate from one location for all of them. There is a possibility that there may be multiple causes, not related to each other. Moreover, the cause does not have to be supernatural, but could be other causes such as the universe. In conclusion, this theory begs the question as to why infinite causal chains are impossible, for example it can be assumed that there exists no beginning, middle or end time, therefore the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fundamentals of Decision Support Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fundamentals of Decision Support - Essay Example Decisions are required when managers handle a situation with two or more alternative courses of action. To select the right course of action, the manager must analyze all the relevant information available. Information with no monetary figure requires a qualitative decision. Quantitative decisions, like in this scenario, are accompanied by measurable information mostly in financial figures. A quantitative decision problem is made up of six components. Decision problems involving two or more variables are a common occurrence when managing a business. A high number of variables increase the level of complexity of the decision to be made. All variables have to be considered when making such decisions. There are methods used to analyze a decision problem. Common decision problem analysis methods include the simplex method and cost- volume- profit technique. Computer programs have also been developed to aid in the decision-making. The computer decision support software includes DecisionPro and Microsoft Excel (Brandimarte, 2012).  £12 per unit. Product 2 has a profit margin of  £16 per unit. The setup cost for manufacturing facilities required to produce the two products also vary. Product 1 production facility installation cost is  £45000 while for product 2 the setup cost for its production facility is  £76000. The company has two factories capable of producing the two products. The rate of production of the two factories varies. Factory 1 can produce 52 units of product 1 per hour and 38 units of product 2 per hour. Factory 2 can produce 42 units of product 1 per hour and 23 units of product 2 per hour. Factory 1 has 480 hours available for production of the two products. Factory 2 has 720 hours available for production of the two products. The aim of this solution is to optimize the profits the company will derive from producing the two products with the limited resources the company has. The constraints, in

Monday, September 23, 2019

EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIETY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIETY - Essay Example The employees also get a first hand understanding of the essential issues which crop up within the aegis of a workplace setting. Therefore a culture is very important in order to understand where the employees can be controlled and what efforts can be made to take care of their work regimes within the organizational domains. This paper takes a keen look at the exact mechanisms that are employed within an organizational setting as far as its cultural issues are concerned. An effort has been made to study the same within the aegis of controlling the employees that work in an organization. Moving on, any organization would appreciate the idea of developing an organizational culture which comprehends the basis of properly finding out where the combined beliefs, values and principles of the organization exist and what can be done to have a first hand understanding of the grave issues that arise within the workplace domains. These matters are deemed as important because these signify the very essence of success within the organizational quarters and discern the basis of outlining the strengths that exist within any organization. The organizational culture controls the employees as it deciphers the exact ways and means through which the employees would get inter-connected with one another, and their one-to-one relationships that develop over a period of time at work (Schein 1996). It also pinpoints the basis of understanding where the people would communicate with one another and what kind of feedback mechanisms are in place to thwart the basis of any shortcomings which e xist in essence. If these shortcomings and weaknesses do arise, the top management has a definitive role to play, since it asks the human resources management department to outline the incorporation of the relevant policy within a correctional setting. The

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Personally I have sympathy Essay Example for Free

Personally I have sympathy Essay He also states I had deprived myself of rest and health, meaning that he had worked so hard and long it had effected his health. When Victor looks for the monster on the frozen ocean he still tries to gain sympathy using language such as despair and I myself was about to sink under accumulation of distress. Here he is speaking metaphorically; hes talking about sinking in the sea, as well as sinking emotionally. With so much talk of self pity, the reader could easily forget that this journey is one of vengeance. Victor sees the monster as his enemy and says his soul is as hellish as his form, full of treachery, and fiend like malice. He also tells Walton to thrust your sword into his heart, I will hover near, and direct the steel alright. His hate for the monster is so intense; he thinks that he can help in killing the monster, even in supernatural life. Even though Victor is seen as an arrogant, self righteous character, we have sympathy for him because he starts a series of events that he eventually has no control over. He creates a monster that kills his family and feels compelled to seek him out and end his life. His desire is burning within my heart, and he is powerless not to obey it. Whereas Victors downfall could be seen as of his own making, the creature seems to be a victim of circumstance and outside influences. The creature says, The completion of my demoniacal design became an insatiable passion. He considers himself to have no control over his actions as they are a result of how he was made. He also claims I had no choice but to adapt my nature to an element which I had willingly chosen, and that evil thenceforth became my good. The monster is looking for understanding for his terrible actions when he says I was the slave, not the master. He is trying to portray himself as a victim rather than the villain. In this passage the creature speaks descriptively to try and make the reader feel sympathy. He says that in the beginning it was the love of virtue, he feelings of happiness and affection with which my whole being overflowed. This turned into bitter loathing and despair and it speaks of how its crimes had degraded itself. It compares itself to a fallen angel who becomes a malignant devil. It considers itself to be more sinned against than the sinner when it says all humankind sinned against me. The feeling of self pity continues with I desired love and fellowship and I was still spurned and your abhorrence cannot equal that with which I regard myself. It feels totally injustice towards itself with everyone despising it and having sympathy only for Victor. This would make the reader feel very sympathetic towards the monster he has only turned out to be the despised and hated creature that he now is due to the actions of others. Both characters make convincing cases in an attempt to gain sympathy from the reader. Both are sinned against, (Victor has his family killed by his own creation and his creation itself is abandoned and despised) and it is a matter of opinion who the victim actually is. The reasons behind Victor deciding to create life in the first place could be seen as an important factor. Was he trying to be the first person to create life in this way to satisfy his ego or was he doing it for the good of human kind? Personally I have sympathy for both Victor and the monster. But if I had to choose one it would be the monster, because it was born an adult and never got chance to learn right from wrong and it had no parents to teach it anything nor no friends. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Resilience in children

Resilience in children Abstract There is a great deal of research into resilience in children, whether they are housed or homeless. However, there is less research about resilience in adults, whether they are housed or homeless. Childrens well-being, which includes their resilience, is directly correlated with that of the adults in their families. Given this reality I decided to investigate if resilience reduces negative effects of homelessness in adults and in their transition after becoming housed. The information I find can be useful for those working with adults who are homeless and those making the transition from being homeless to being housed. Literature review According to the Stuart B. McKinney Act, a person is considered homeless if he or she lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence and has a primary night time residence that is: 1) supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations; 2) an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, including mental health facilities or hospitals; 3) a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, which includes cars and parks. This definition does not include those imprisoned or otherwise detained pursuant to an act of Congress or a state law (NCH, Fact Sheet #3). Difficult childhoods (including sexual and/or physical abuse, addiction, mental illness, and so on) may play a role in adult homelessness. More women report living with an abusive parent than men (Smith, et al, p. 5). Battered women who live in poverty are often forced to choose between abusive relationships and homelessness (NCH, Fact Sheet #3). Approximately half of all women and children experiencing homelessness are fleeing domestic violence (NCH, Fact Sheet #3). Immigrants also cite language barriers (Smith et al, page 13). Many kinds of people become homeless, leading to a diverse homeless population (Tompsett, p 86). It is important to include the services that are most important for that particular group, especially in this time of limited funds for services (Tompsett, pp 87). Even though homelessness affects people in different ways, it can have a corrosive effect on peoples self-esteem and well-being; fifty-three percent of respondents say that being homeless destroyed their self-esteem and self-confidence. Unlike gender, age, ethnicity and nationality made no difference in how people answered the questions (Smith et al, page 9). Thirty-nine percent of men and nine percent of women said that being homeless led to depression, mental health problems and anxiety (Smith, page 10). However, many women report being depressed and having a history of mental health problems prior to homelessness (Smith et al, page 10). Homelessness can damage: peoples capability through loss of skills; their inability to think about employment while worrying housing; their health becoming impaired while homeless; their resilience and self-confidence, particularly mens (Smith, et al, page 9). This emphasizes the need to activities that help people build self-esteem and the social interactions helping them release their capabilities (Smith et al, page 10). The literature I found does not explain how these activities help in this way. Whether or not people develop depression or resilience depends mostly on their feelings of powerlessness or capability and the belief that one is can plan and carry out plans to achieve their goals. In order to become resilient, they must feel they are able to do something about the situations and meet their challenges. Depression can develop when someone doubts their ability to find a successful solution (Grotberg, page 66). Feelings of powerlessness can be changed to those of capability by teaching the five basic building blocks of resilience: trust, autonomy, initiative, industry, and identity (Grotberg, page 67). What is resilience? Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress; it means bouncing back from difficult experiences (APA, p. 2). Resilience is a persons ability to rely on their own core self-belief and stability, enabling him or her to successfully resist harmful life events that would damage someone else (Smith et al, p. 3). Reactions to stress are not isolated events; they are the consequences of what has occurred before. There is a dynamic interaction of patterns of coping responses, personality characteristics, social support (Tusaie and Dyer, p. 6) Research shows that resilience is commonplace not extraordinary or exceptional. People commonly demonstrate resilience. Resilience involves behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be learned and developed in anyone (APA, p. 2). Resilience is a dynamic process whereby individuals can show great coping skills in the face of significant adversity. It is not one-dimensional but a sort of chain reaction that leads to resilience later; that chain reaction begins when children are very young (Gorman, et al). Many professionals believe that resilience can be learned. Others debate whether or not resilient qualities are learned or part of ones genetic nature. These resilient characteristics have been referred to as protective factors defined as the positive conditions, personal and social resources that promote resiliency, protect and buffer the individual, and reduce the potential for high-risk behaviors (MHW) footnote the definition or developmental assets, defined as the positive relationships, opportunities, skills, and values that promote the positive development of all children and adolescents []footnote the definition(Richardson, page 309). Experts disagree about how much of resilience is genetic. People seem to differ in their inborn ability to handle lifes stresses. Resilience can be cultivated. To the degree it is learned, resilience seems to develop out of the challenge to maintain self-esteem. (Psychology Today, page 1). Resilience is a complex process that is in some ways as unpredictable as the weather. A number of negative factors may weaken resilience. Those factors include violence, physical or sexual abuse, direct exposure to alcoholism and removal from the home. The toll increases as the negative factors increase. If resilience is strength under adversity, then multiple-risk exposures (four or more) limit emotional endurance (Gorman, et al, page A53). Attitudes and characteristics of resilient people Research often focuses on limitations, negatives and the problematic. As a result, strengths may be often overlooked. Research shows that women between the ages of 35 and t3 years who had overcome homelessness and found that they had person, interpersonal and transpersonal strengths such as pride, moral principles, determination, and commitment to personal relationships citation. These strengths served to protect them from adverse health outcomes associated with being homeless. Homeless adolescents found numerous pathways to health. In particular, participants exhibited self-confidence and considered themselves to be the primary resource for health promotion (Rew and Horner, p. 90). Research also shows that the motivation for engaging in health promotive behaviors stems more from positive factors or strengths, such as the desire for growth and human potential than from negative factors (Rew and Horner, p. 91). Resilient people harness inner strengths and rebound more quickly from a setback or challenge. Those who are less resilient may dwell on problems, feel victimized, become overwhelmed and turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse (Mayo Clinic, p. 1). Those who lived with relationship trauma can develop resilient qualities associated with resilience. They may develop strategies for managing chaos that can become assets if they can work through their downside. Those who have thrived despite the odds can be inventive when dealing with problems. Their ability to think outside the box think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective, be creative and smart-thinking footnote the definition when solving complex family situations shows creativity and originality, which are assets in all areas of life. Humor is another asset of those coming from problematic backgrounds. Humor is used for very specific reasons, including managing the unmanageable, lightening the familys emotional load by easing tension, and finding alternative ways to bond and feel good (Dayton, pages 99-100). Steve At the heart of resilience is a belief in oneself and a belief in something larger than oneself. Resilient people dont let adversity define them, move towards a goal beyond themselves and transcend pain and grief by perceiving bad times as a temporary state of affairs (Psychology Today, p. 1). Resilient people see their problems as a temporary state of affairs rather than a permanent state; tend not to globalize; have the capacity to see beyond themselves into a different kind of life; believe that life will work out (optimistic) (Dayton, page 101). Resilience helps us understand that adversity can help develop strength (Dayton, page 103). There are many ways to build resilience, including: 1) reach out to make connections, create a support system, find someone who believes in you wholeheartedly, find people who can help you (Psychology Today, page; APA, page 4;Mayo Clinic); 2) keep things in perspective (APA, age 4; Mayo Clinic); avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems; 3) accept that change is a part of living; move toward your goals; take decisive actions; look for opportunities for self-discovery; nurture a positive view of yourself; maintain a hopeful outlook (APA, page 4; Mayo Clinic); take care of yourself (APA, page 4). 4) Reframe and reinterpret past events to find the strengths one had all along (Psychology Today; Dayton, page 107). 5) Be self-aware; gain skills and tools for staying safe; help others; teach parenting skills, when possible (Gorman, et al). 6) Learn from your experiences (Mayo Clinic, p. ; Collingwood, p. 2). 7) Dont retreat from life; ask penetrating questions and answer them honestly. 8) Take a while to think through the problem to find the best solution and then tell yourself to take the first step (Dayton, p. 108; Collingwood, p. 2). 9) Develop inner resources and strengthen inner self; work through unresolved issues from the past; maintain good boundaries; stay away from victim thinking (Dayton, pp. 108-109). Activities help people build their self-esteem and the social interactions that help them release their capabilities. These activities include creative writing, art and crafts, music, and walking. Doing so enabled them to relax and feel more positive about life, as well as developing transferable skills. These activities also reached those who were most vulnerable and marginalized, including those misusing substances and those most severely mentally ill (Smith et al, page 10). Steve The most commonly reported sources of informal support include family, friends, as well as faith and community organizations (Smith et al, page 13). The amount of contact homeless people have varies depending on their circumstances. Services are often identified as a key source of support and are used in a variety of ways. Services that participants consider the most important include affordable housing, day centers and shelters, learning and training opportunities, translation services, detox and substance abuse programs, and other health services (medical and mental health) (Smith et al, pages 13, 15, 18). People experiencing homelessness use services in different ways (Smith et al, page 21). Some need practical help for brief times while others likely need those services for much longer. The best services are those that are inclusive, open access and treat their service uses with respect and empathy (Smith et al, page 21). Employment and entry to the labor market are currently thought of as the main way out of poverty and welfare dependency. Developing job skills that improve their chances of employment is important but should happen at the expense of activities that build self-esteem and social interactions (Smith et al, page 21). Developing resilience is a personal lifelong journey, one worth making.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Comparison of an Evil mastermind in Shakespeare’s Othello and MacDonald

Iago is one of the most renowned villains of pre-modern literature, as first introduced in Shakespeare’s Othello. His deceiving personality and complex nature is painted such that readers are amazed by his ingenious schemes. At the beginning of Shakespeare’s Othello, Iago is represented as trustworthy and honest, but readers soon realize that he is the opposite of what he seems. Even though Iago’s personality and thoughts are revealed less in MacDonald’s Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet), he carries on the same immoral legacy as in Othello. Throughout the plays, he turns his friends against one another who look to him for guidance and support. Iago thirsts to upgrade this status in society which causes him to take advantage of peoples’ good-nature and even comes to an extreme of killing anyone who stands between him and his schemes. In Shakespeare’s Othello and McDonald’s Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet), Iago manipula tes and deceives both Othello and Desdemona by his language and personality, which leads to different results. The personalities of Othello and Desdemona have been portrayed differently throughout the two plays and are susceptible to the mind games of Iago. In Shakespeare’s Othello, Othello is a character with depth that has a genuine personality. He is seen as being too trustworthy and continuously tries to look for the good in people. Despite his honoured reputation in the state and status as a general, he is ridiculed by his society because of his dark completion. Othello recognizes himself as an outsider and at times is extremely self-conscientious. His quality to be judgmental towards himself and his reputation in the eyes of others makes him a target for Iago. Were I the Moor, I would not b... ...espeare’s Othello. The actions of Othello and Desdemona within the two plays are directed by Iago. He uses his reputation and finds flaws within the personality of others for his own benefit. Within Shakespeare’s Othello and MacDonald’s Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet), Iago misleads Othello and Desdemona which leads to two different outcomes. Works Cited MacDonald, Ann-Marie. Goodnight Desdemona (good Morning Juliet). New York: Grove, 1998. PrintShakespeare, William, and David M. Bevington. Othello. Toronto: Bantam, 1988. Print. Philip, McGuire C. "Othello as an "Assay of Reason"" Shakespeare Quarterly 24.2 (1973): 198-209. Print. Laura, Snyder. "Constance Ledbelly's Birthday: Construction of the Feminist Archetype of the Self in Ann-Marie MacDonald's Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)." Text & Presentation 2005 (2005): 43-55. Print.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Politics and Power in Today’s Corporate World Essay -- Corporations Po

Politics and Power in Today’s Corporate World An effective organization focuses on strong leadership, power and political issues. These components are critical to creating an organization mindful of values, ethics, culture and innovation. Analyzing the use of power and politics are essential to understanding the behavior of individuals within organizations. There are two sides to power and politics. In one respect power and politics imply the shady side of leadership. However, power and politics can be positive tools that managers use to accomplish tasks. This paper defines power and politics and examines how one can be used to influence the other in a positive way, thus resulting in gain, and in a negative, corruptive way, which ultimately leads to destruction of an organization. POWER Power has been described as the last dirty word. Money is easier than power for most people to talk about. People who have power deny it; people who want power try not to appear to be seeking it, and those who are good at getting power are secretive about how they got it (Kanter, 1979). The essence of power is control. In organizational behavior power is defined as the ability of controlling the behavior of others. Power is the force one uses to get things done. Power and leadership should not be confused. Leadership achieves goals and power is the means to facilitate their achievement. Power focuses on the tactics for gaining compliance while leadership focuses on style. Power is not without influence. One has influence when one has power. Power and influence are key components when a person is trying to achieve organizational goals. Power is divided into two categories; position and personal (Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn, 2003). Power-based on a person’s position has six bases: coercive, reward, legitimate, process, information and representative (Schermerhorn, et al., 2003). The coercive power base is defined as being dependent on fear. A person will react to this power out of fear of the negative results that might occur. A manager has the power to suspend or terminate an employee this gives the manager coercive power over the employee. The opposite of coercive power is reward power. People comply with the wishes or directives of another because doing so produces positive benefits. In the organization context it can apply to promotions or favorable performanc... ...ely leads to destruction of an organization. Power and politics can be used to influence the success or failure of an organization. An effective organization selects strong leadership and takes precautious steps to control power and political issues. An organization that fully understands these issues creates a culture centered on values, ethics and innovation. By analyzing power and politics we are able to understand how they influence individual behavior in organizations. We can also better understand how they are used with good intentions and how to avoid them in destructive situations. References Kantar, R. (1979). Power failure in management circuits. Harvard Business Review, July-August, p.65. Iwata, E. (2004, July 9). Enron’s Ken Lay: cuffed but confident. USA Today. University of Phoenix. (Ed). (2003). Organizational Behavior, [University of Phoenix Custom Edition e-text]. John Wiley Publisher. Retrieved April 9, 2005 from University of Phoenix, Resource, MGT/331-Organizational Behavior Website: Politics and Power in Today’s Corporate World Essay -- Corporations Po Politics and Power in Today’s Corporate World An effective organization focuses on strong leadership, power and political issues. These components are critical to creating an organization mindful of values, ethics, culture and innovation. Analyzing the use of power and politics are essential to understanding the behavior of individuals within organizations. There are two sides to power and politics. In one respect power and politics imply the shady side of leadership. However, power and politics can be positive tools that managers use to accomplish tasks. This paper defines power and politics and examines how one can be used to influence the other in a positive way, thus resulting in gain, and in a negative, corruptive way, which ultimately leads to destruction of an organization. POWER Power has been described as the last dirty word. Money is easier than power for most people to talk about. People who have power deny it; people who want power try not to appear to be seeking it, and those who are good at getting power are secretive about how they got it (Kanter, 1979). The essence of power is control. In organizational behavior power is defined as the ability of controlling the behavior of others. Power is the force one uses to get things done. Power and leadership should not be confused. Leadership achieves goals and power is the means to facilitate their achievement. Power focuses on the tactics for gaining compliance while leadership focuses on style. Power is not without influence. One has influence when one has power. Power and influence are key components when a person is trying to achieve organizational goals. Power is divided into two categories; position and personal (Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn, 2003). Power-based on a person’s position has six bases: coercive, reward, legitimate, process, information and representative (Schermerhorn, et al., 2003). The coercive power base is defined as being dependent on fear. A person will react to this power out of fear of the negative results that might occur. A manager has the power to suspend or terminate an employee this gives the manager coercive power over the employee. The opposite of coercive power is reward power. People comply with the wishes or directives of another because doing so produces positive benefits. In the organization context it can apply to promotions or favorable performanc... ...ely leads to destruction of an organization. Power and politics can be used to influence the success or failure of an organization. An effective organization selects strong leadership and takes precautious steps to control power and political issues. An organization that fully understands these issues creates a culture centered on values, ethics and innovation. By analyzing power and politics we are able to understand how they influence individual behavior in organizations. We can also better understand how they are used with good intentions and how to avoid them in destructive situations. References Kantar, R. (1979). Power failure in management circuits. Harvard Business Review, July-August, p.65. Iwata, E. (2004, July 9). Enron’s Ken Lay: cuffed but confident. USA Today. University of Phoenix. (Ed). (2003). Organizational Behavior, [University of Phoenix Custom Edition e-text]. John Wiley Publisher. Retrieved April 9, 2005 from University of Phoenix, Resource, MGT/331-Organizational Behavior Website:

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Why English Is Important :: Education, Personal Experience

Being an AP Senior English student – what does it mean to me? In my opinion, this title – â€Å"AP Senior English student† – is a symbol of a larger commitment. A commitment, by definition, is dedication to a particular pursuit. In this case, I have chosen to pursue the study of English at such a high level (for a high school student) not simply because it is required by my diploma, but because I have a genuine interest in the subject and a passion for knowledge. Commitment to AP Senior English is also an investment in my own education and self-improvement. I know that, in this class, discussion will venture outside the norms of state-required curriculum and venture off into the realms of â€Å"outside-the-box† critical thinking. I recognize that just because a particular legislature or organization dictates what should be learned, I have an obligation to overstep these boundaries. This is because I have put myself on a higher path of learning known as the â€Å"IB Diploma Program.† An IB Diploma says its holder has universally-recognized mastery at the primary education level. I feel it is my duty to fulfill that obligation and to be an ambassador of County High School’s academic opportunities. My definition of an AP Senior English student is simple: a student who understands that knowledge cannot be measured with a ruler. This student pursues knowledge as its own reward. He (or she) recognizes that in order to be successful, and gain the respect and trust of others, one first has to invest in themselves. To me, this class is like a

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

An unsuccessful learning experience

My unsuccessful learning experience was when I was 16 and starting my Maths A level. We had 2 teachers who split the course material between them, one taking pure maths and the other applied maths. The teacher in charge of the pure maths, which had enjoyed up to A level and received an A for (in the days before A* existed, so top marks in other words), was a young man who had just qualified from his PGCE and came to teach us A level maths.The main problem wasn't the teacher's age, I'm sure plenty of young teachers are very capable, the issue was more that he didn't have the self confidence to stand up to the more lively characters in the class. He didn't know how to respond when a pupil would try and disrupt the class by talking about something irrelevant, like last nights television, therefore that pupil would carry on talking and valuable lesson time would be wasted. Even when he did ask people to be quiet a fair amount of disruption had already been made.The other issue was that h e didn't know his subject, in this case pure maths, well enough. I remember clearly one day the entire class followed him working out a complicated equation, writing down his calculations as we went along. After using up two blackboards worth of calculations he came to his answer, only for one of the pupils to check the answers in the back of out text book and announce it was the wrong answer. By then he had erased half of his calculation and he couldn't go back to see where he had made a mistake.It wasn't the only time his calculations were wrong or he was unsure of his subject, which made the pupils very nervous. The short term result was that my class was time-tabled extra maths lessons to try to cover for this teacher's lack of covering his subject, with the other maths teacher working longer lesson hours to try to get us through the exam. The longer term result was that the Pure maths results for that year were far lower than expected and the teacher was moved down to teaching 11-12 year olds maths.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Leadership at Essay is an internet giant in terms of e-commerce. It was incorporated by Jeff Bezos in 1994 under the name Cadabra. In 1995 he changed the name to Amazon because he decided the former sounded too similar to â€Å"cadaver† and because he wanted a name beginning with â€Å"A† so it would potentially be at the top of any search results returned in alphabetical order. has headquarters in Seattle, Washington but has retail websites across the globe. It is the world’s largest internet company. Jeff Bezos has a solid reputation that is appreciated by colleagues, employees, and customers alike. Forbes magazine touts his status as â€Å"our greatest living CEO† while his employees perhaps know him best for leaving an empty seat open at conference meeting tables. The empty chair is symbolic of the customer at and Bezos often refers to it as â€Å"the most important person in the room† (Hartung 2013). While many leaders in retail recognize the importance of customer satisfaction, by making the customer an active presence at meetings Jeff Bezos sends a powerful message to his constituents. Some of the characteristics of Jeff Bezos leadership style are that he always challenges idle thinking, he makes customer service a main priority, and he continuously renovates his approach. Bezos does not accept that there is one truth about the way things should be done, even if that way has proven to be successful previously. An example of how Bezos challenges idle thinking also illustrates his stark belief that failure is an opportunity to progress: Years ago, when the bulk of product was written and spoken language the company hired editors to write book and music reviews then decided to use customers critiques instead (Anders, 2012). That relatively small decision speaks volumes of Jeff’s commitment to truth and to customer satisfaction. A hallmark of Jeff Bezo’s leadership style is his innovative reinventing of any process, idea, or task regardless of how big or small it is. Bezo has a critical eye for improvement, and the intestinal fortitude to make changes where and whenever he sees fit. An example of this is Bezo’s solution to shipping fees. Instead of the expected shipping and handling fee added to  each item at checkout, he invented a unique solution. He implemented Amazon Prime, a service that charges an annual fee for unlimited 2 day shipping on eligible items, of which there are thousands. This has significantly reduced the hassle of checkout for several reasons. Subscribing to Amazon Prime eliminates calculating extra fees based on distance and the timeframe for delivery of items. It also promotes a positive customer experience by not seeing totals continue to increase as tax and shipping fees are tacked on during the last few clicks of checkout. Lastly, it speeds the checkout process by offering one click ordering using previously saved information such as address and payment info. A simple solution to the sometimes painful fees associated with product delivery has made a huge impact on the customers shopping experience! My own individual leadership styles and characteristics are similar to Jeff’s in regards to reinventing. Though I have never used that word to describe my approach it is in line with how I tackle and solve problems. I am never satisfied with one way to do things, and I abjure routine. At the forefront of my leadership style I am always considering my resources whether it be an innovative new process or lesson, considering the ideas my partner or team presents, and utilizing help in any fashion to carry out effective leadership. To be an effective leader, all of the leadership styles commonly associated with powerful leadership abilities would apply and they include Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating. The challenge for the leader is the flexibility to recognize the dynamics of the situation and be versatile in the application of the different styles. Consider a Mass Casualty Incident, or â€Å"MCI† such as the recent tragedy in Boston, the marathon bombing. MCI leadership would first be responsible for establishing command and Delegating others to oversee patient triaging, which is the sorting of victims by severity of injury or illness. As Emergency vehicles and personnel respond to the scene, MCI leadership would Direct resources to the appropriate locations. Because there may be so many different levels of personnel at the scene of an MCI, leadership may have to Coach lesser trained personnel to effectively carry out necessary tasks involved in scene management. Finally, an effective leader in this scenario would recognize where Supportive care, resources, and needs of the team should be addressed. Some of the leadership characteristics I share in common with Jeff Bezos are  passion, fearlessness, and confidence. Environmental or Societal factors that might influence my approach to leadership at this organization would be politics and inexperience. Even as I feel as though my leadership characteristics are similar to the CEO of Amazon’s, it would be a challenge to understand how they apply in a business model. In contrast, I have achieved efficiency and success with similar styles in a healthcare setting which can somewhat be comparable to business in the interest of organization, responsibility, and professionalism. Even if I were in a different organization I do not feel as though my style or characteristics would alter. I may adjust them to meet the demands of the current situation, organization or environment but I would always be functioning on a core set of values that would adapt to my needs, versus my needs adapting to my values. Economic conditions would influence my approach to leadership affecting budget and finances. Like Jeff Bezos, I support spending a significant amount of resources dedicated to customer service and evaluations of what the customer wants. In times of a strong economy I would want to expand the Amazon product and consider a restaurant line to the online retail chain as a means of satisfying 2 venues: a retail storefront, and a new experience for fine dining. Diners would be able to experience the Amazon style of purchasing by specifically choosing what ingredients, cooking methods, and dinging decor they want by placing orders through the website at tableside mounte d computers. Amazon Prime members would receive a discount or some type of special privilege, and orders would be delivered in a timely manner to the customer. References (2014, February 9). Retrieved September 2, 2014, from Anders, G. (2012, April 23). Jeff Bezos’s Top 10 Leadership Lessons. Retrieved September 5, 2014, from Hartung, A. (2013, January 8). Why Jeff Bezos is Our Greatest Living CEO. Retrieved September 5, 2014. McGinn, D. (2013, October 18). How Jeff Bezos Makes Decisions. Retrieved September 5, 2014, from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Racism in South Africa

It is easy for people to shut their eyes to things they do not witness, like bigotry, racism, and the cruelty of South Africa. According to Blob Kiwanis â€Å"It has been nearly a decade and a half after the end of apartheid† and South Africans are finally realizing there Is a problem with racism (Swank, 2008). This realization occurred after white students from the university of the Free State, made a racist video. This video showed the students degrading and humiliating four black workers. The racism portrayed by these students was said to be deep-seated.These students even went so far as to allegedly, urinate in the four lack workers food (Kiwanis, 2008). In 1994 a man was fed up with his black worker, so the black man was fed to the lions (Kiwanis, 2008). This type of cruelty is not as common as it once was, but any act such as this should not be allowed to take place in the free world. Imagine living every day in fear, never knowing what the day is going to be like. What about tomorrow? This behavior is something most people never have to experience in their lifetime, but what about those that get to witness these events first hand?The violence and hatred that has caused a country to live In ear, was said to be a symptom of globalization, by a country that calls Itself a â€Å"Rainbow Nation†, yet was not supposedly about racism at all (Perry, 2008). 3 It became apparent in 2008, when 42 black people were killed. These people were raped, neaten, eroded, Ana Turned alive. I Nils type AT loathing NAS lave a country (Perry, 2008). These types of incidents have diminished over time, but are still evident in the culture. The cultures in South Africa are many and most are still high in the masculine beliefs. Ethnicity is the differences in culture and is diverse in SouthAfrica. The many different tribes and people have similar yet different beliefs. Race refers to the social construction on the difference of skin color, or nationalities (South Afri ca and its Culture, 2011). Polygamy is still carried out and a dowry is still permitted in most of South Africans cultures. Cattle are a sign of wealth and also used as a symbol for sacrifice. The Zulu is one of the strongest surviving black culture in South Africa (South Africa and its Culture, 2011). Xhosa are also a strong presence in the South African culture, and are referred to as the red people.The red people are called this because the red dye they use on their clothing, worn by most adults. The Indelible are related to the Red people, but live in the North-western corner of what now is called Mulligan, in vibrant painted homes (South Africa and its Culture, 2011). Then there are the Dutch settlers along with the British, these people are known as Afrikaners, and are the majority of the South African population (South Africa and its Culture, 2011). Surprisingly there is a large Jewish population that resides in South Africa; no doubt the survivors of Hitler and his brutal re in.Brutality is not the only problem that has affected the people of South Africa. Because of this racism the poverty level has remained a problem. If a company only hires white people to work, how are people of color ever going to rise above poverty? The Jobs available to black people in South Africa are almost non-existent. If there are no Jobs then there is no money to be made. No money means no food, no shelter, and no means to support a family. This is another instance of the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. 4 Are people so blind and callused, as to not care how the actions and the words thrown out will affect others?What about the future of innocent souls to come? Why is one color any better than another? Who gets to decide these types of things? If a person were to close their eyes and solely Judge another based on their personality, or the way they are treated by a person, our world would be a different place to live. Discrimination has kept the people of South Afric a in poverty for way to long, it is time to break the chains of bigotry and learn to live together in a peaceful place. A place where color does not mean you are rejected for a Job, or for housing. A place where everyone is color blind seems ideal, does it not?Education is a factor for the people of South Africa. People are more concerned with finding a Job; instead they are worrying about whether or not they can attend school. And the sad part about that is that in order to get a good Job or even a Job, education would be beneficial. This is one of the excuses for not hiring people with black skin, they are not as educated. This is one way companies get around race (Reuters, 2001). The companies use this as their reason for hiring the white person applying for the Job and not the black person. It is a vicious circle for the people of South Africa.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Innocence project paper Essay

Since 1992, almost three hundred people in the United States have been exonerated by the Innocence Project. What this means is that almost three hundred people have been acquitted for a crime that they were falsely convicted of committing and were then released back into society. Many of these false convictions were the result of a lack of technology back in the time of the trials which lead to unvalidated or improper use of forensic science. Some additional reasons that people are wrongfully convicted are misidentifications from eyewitnesses and false confessions. In this paper, I plan to write about Kenneth Ireland. His story shows how wrongful convictions and exonerations are issues in the United States. On September 3, 1986, when Kenneth was only sixteen years old, a thirty year old woman named Barbara Pelkey was found dead in the factory where she worked overnight. She had been raped and suffered a massive blow to the head. Kenneth heard about the crime while watching from his bedroom and was stunned that something that horrific could happen to someone in his small town. There was an autopsy done on the victim as well as a rape kit being collected. The rape kit found that there were sperm cells present on the vaginal and anal swabs. The investigation continued for another year without any arrests, but soon after two informants came to the police and accused Kenneth Ireland and two other men of committing the crime. The police said that the two witnesses had claimed that Kenneth and the other men were making statements to them about their involvement in the crime. In addition to that information, these informants had also given additional unpublished details about the crime and had told the police that their knowledge of this information had come straight from Kenneth Ireland. Six months later, a third informant came to the police and told them that Kenneth had admitted to committing the crime. The informant wasn’t sure if Kenneth was awake at the time he had made the statements, nor was she sure that she hadn’t imagined them being said. All she was sure of that night was that she was drunk. Ultimately, because of these three informants, Kenneth Ireland was charged with felony murder, first degree sexual assault and third degree burglary. Despite being one of the three men that were accused of committing the crime, only Kenneth Ireland was tried for the crime. One of the three men had drowned before the trial took place and the other was never tried for some reason unknown to me. The trial was held in 1989, and Ireland’s attorney tried to prove that the initial two informants had presented false information to the police. They were thought to be protecting another potential suspect in the case. This other potential suspect had admitted to making inconsistent remarks to the police while the investigation was still ongoing. However, Ireland’s attorney was stopped by the judge when he attempted to present evidence regarding this other suspect. A police officer had stated during the trial that the fingerprints at the crime scene were not a match to Kenneth’s fingerprints and in addition to that a forensic analyst confirmed that the hairs from the scene were different from those of Kenneth. It was determined via the same analyst that the semen found in the rape kit was from a non-secretor. A non-secretor is a person whose blood type is not exhibited in their bodily secretions. Kenneth Ireland, along with twenty percent of all men, is a non-secretor, and the sample was also consistent with that of the victim. This meant that nobody could be excluded from the crime. During the first round of the deliberations, the jury was split 6-6. After three additional days, the jury had found Kenneth Ireland guilty and he was sentenced to fifty years in prison. It was said that Kenneth Ireland was convicted because he could not be ruled out of the blood or seminal evidence, his lawyer didn’t challenge that evidence, and his lawyer didn’t put Kenneth on the stand. In 1991, Ireland had appealed his conviction, stating that the two informants had been given a twenty thousand dollar reward in exchange for his implication. Ireland also declared that his attorney was unable to present evidence that would indicate another alternative suspect. This appeal would ultimately be denied. They again tried to appeal in 1999, when the biological evidence was put into DNA testing but results were proved nothing. It wasn’t until 207 that the Connecticut Innocence Project started to review Ireland’s case. With the help of new DNA testing methods, they were able to test the DNA evidence and rule out Kenneth as the person responsible for Barbara Pelkey’s murder. It then took another two years for Ireland to get a new trial, where he was proven innocent and allowed to be a free man. He ended up spending nineteen and a half years in prison for a crime he did not commit. As of today, Kenneth Ireland has not been compensated for his wrongful conviction and prison time. However, he and his lawyer have filed an eight million dollar claim against the state of Connecticut for the wrongful conviction. I’m not sure that eight million dollars is enough to compensate for almost twenty critical years of his life. He missed out on some of the most important years in anyone’s life and it is very difficult to put a price on something like that. Some good news is that the real killer has been found. In 2009, the blood evidence at the scene that was tested turned out to be that of Kevin Benefield. Kevin was initially a suspect when the investigation began, but the focus shifted towards Ireland. He worked at a deli near Pelkey’s workplace and was connected to her sexually but he denied the murder. Kevin was convicted in January of 2012 of the murder and felony murder of Barbara Pelkey. Both of those crimes carry twenty five to sixty years of prison time penalties. I think that it will be much harder for things like this happen in the future in the manner that it did in Kenneth Ireland’s case. It seemed to me that one of the major areas of evidence towards his conviction was the semen sample. He could not be ruled out because it was the semen of a non-secretor and he was a non-secretor. With the advances in DNA testing technology, they can test the semen and easily identify whose it is. This would have immediately been great evidence in proving that Ireland was innocent. I don’t really understand how the hair and fingerprint evidence weren’t weighed more heavily. If it was proven that the fingerprints and the hair at the scene of the crime weren’t his, that seems to me that it should have been pretty good evidence in his favor. To me it seems like he wasn’t given a fair chance at being proven innocent. In my opinion, this was a rather unfortunate trial for Kenneth Ireland. The fact that people were being paid off to implicate him was unlucky, and I feel like this is what really pushed him into the situation he was in. Even though his hair and fingerprints weren’t at the scene, because these three people came to the police saying that Kenneth had admitted to committing the crime really set him up for conviction. The blood and semen, which wasn’t able to be thoroughly examined due to the limitations in technology couldn’t save him because he was one of the twenty percent of all men who are non-secretors. Due to this, he could not be ruled out, even though to me it seems that if his hair and fingerprints weren’t present at the crime scene it wasn’t him who committed the crime. It also seems that his lawyer didn’t do a great job either. They had evidence to show the court that was denied that would have been really good for Kenneth’s case and he never had Kenneth go on the stand. I don’t know everything about the rules of a trial, but if there is evidence that can prove someone’s innocence, there must be something that you as a lawyer can do to get the court to see it. It is that important. It is terrible that Kenneth had to suffer for almost twenty years in prison for a crime that he did not commit and I couldn’t imagine what he must have went through. It really is a shame that the DNA testing technology couldn’t have been implemented or used earlier to at least lessen the nightmare that he had to endure. In conclusion, the amount of wrongful convictions that have taken place in the United States is too high. Lying informants, incorrect eyewitness reports, and the improper use of forensic science are many reasons that people are wrongfully convicted. Thankfully, there have been incredible advances in the technology used to test DNA that can now be used to help these wrongfully convicted people get back to the free world. It’s terrible to think of the years that they lost or even the lives that they might have lost if they were given the death penalty, but at least organizations like the Innocence Project are doing what they can to exonerate these wrongfully convicted people. The story of Kenneth Ireland is a sad tale of a young man falsely committed of raping and murdering a woman. He spent nineteen and a half years in prison for a crime he did not commit, missing out on his entire twenties and most of his thirties. These years are critical for people as they go to college, begin a career, and start a family. These are years that he cannot get back, but he is very fortunate to have the ability to move on as a free man as he looks towards the future. Works Cited Davis, Mark. â€Å"Freed by DNA, Ireland Speaks out.† WTNH TV. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. . â€Å"The Innocence Project – Know the Cases: Browse Profiles:Kenneth Ireland.† The Innocence Project – Know the Cases: Browse Profiles:Kenneth Ireland. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. . â€Å"Kenneth Ireland.† Kenneth Ireland. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. . Kovner, Josh, and Alaine Griffin. â€Å"Man Wrongly Imprisoned Plans To Skip Convicted Murderer’s Sentencing.† Hartford Courant. N.p., 21 Mar. 2012. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. . â€Å"Sentencing Today In 1986 CT Murder After Earlier Wrongful Conviction.† CBS New York. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. .

Friday, September 13, 2019

Political science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Political science - Essay Example As Hoffman and William say. A further reason why the Middle East is becoming more important is high oil prices. Although oil prices are far below their 2008 peak of US$147/bbl, they are expected to remain high due to rising demand from China, India, and other emerging markets. Despite efforts by international oil companies to tap into new sources, such as the Caspian Sea, West Africa, and Brazil’s offshore deposits, and despite moves to develop alternative energy sources, oil is likely to remain paramount. Meanwhile, the windfall of high oil prices should continue to boost investment in the Middle East, making it an important economic region. Apart from Israel, Lebanon and Turkey, no Middle Eastern state has an entirely democratic political system. Iran has competitive elections, but ultimate power rests with the ruling clerics. The other countries are all absolute monarchies or led by authoritarian presidents, although there are varying degrees of parliamentary representation. As a result, most leaders have questionable legitimacy. Opposition groups tend to be suppressed, and governments maintain powerful security services to keep their populations in line. This system of government has fostered patronage and corruption, in turn adding to public dissatisfaction. Arguably, the biggest question for the Middle East is whether it can continue to be an exception to the spread of democracy worldwide or whether democracy will eventually take hold. As per Wunderle openion. Over the coming decade, we expect several Middle Eastern states – notably Egypt and Saudi Arabia – to face succession issues, as incumbent heads of state pass from the scene. In Egypt, the outlook is highly uncertain, amid signs that President Hosni Mubarak is grooming his son Gamal to succeed him and opposition to this. In Saudi Arabia, the succession procedure is clearer cut, but a power

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Defending Slavery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Defending Slavery - Essay Example Despite this, opinions regarding slavery varied widely, and the abolition of slavery purely on moral grounds was argued against especially in the Southern states of the US, since slavery had become part of the economic, social, cultural and political life of the South (Chapter 12). For the most part, it was suggested that slavery was part an established way of life in the South. Slaves, it was claimed, were treated well, in most households, and even when slaves were not necessary labor on vast sugar or cotton plantations, they were being taken care of by the white, civilized society of the South. The fact that the two races – whites and blacks – existed together but were so different was used to justify the institution of slavery: â€Å"†¦ distinguished by color †¦ other physical differences, as well as intellectual †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Calhoun, 1837). In the stereotypical argument of the Colonizer, or in this case, the slave-owner, it was argued that the â€Å"s uperior† race had a responsibility to educate, look after and protect the â€Å"inferior† other races. Calhoun (1837) goes further than even this to claim that it was better to be a slave in the South than a poor worker in Europe.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Cell phone use should be banned while driving Essay

Cell phone use should be banned while driving - Essay Example 80 percent of crashes are related to driver inattention. There are certain activities that may be more dangerous than talking on a cell phone. However, cell phone use occurs more frequently and for longer durations than other, riskier behaviours. Thus, the #1 source of driver inattention is cell phones† (Cell Phone Use While Driving Fact Sheet, 2009) The above statistics clearly indicate the association of cell phones in road accidents and also the degree of damages it can cause to the public and the society. Cell phone usages while driving should be prohibited legally in order to prevent such huge losses of lives and property and this paper argues in favor of banning cell phone usages while driving. â€Å"Drivers who use cell phones are four times more likely to be in a crash while using a cell phone† (Cell Phone Use While Driving Fact Sheet, 2009) Driving is an art which requires the co-ordination of hands, legs and eyes together. Moreover the driver’s mind should be focused on what is happening in front and at the back while driving in order to take prompt decisions. Lot of decision making is required while driving. Any faulty decision can create accidents. It is impossible for a driver to take proper driving decisions while using the cell phones. The content of the communication might be good or bad; in both the cases it can result in the mood changes of the driver and thereby his focus on driving will be decreased and accident probability can be increased. Even while taking out the cell phones or operating it; the driver’s attention can be distracted. One moment is enough for an accident to happen. We are living in a stressful world and our mind always agitated with some thoughts. The information we get from other side while using cell phones may not be always good. For example, a business executive can get some fiery words from his superior while driving, because of cell phones.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Buddha teachings..... anything you want that is relavent Essay

Buddha teachings..... anything you want that is relavent - Essay Example These are ‘suffering of suffering’, suffering of change and persuasive. Firstly, ‘suffering of suffering’ is ordinary suffering that result from pain and associated by lower realms of existence such as in the human world. Secondly, suffering of change on the other hand encompasses sadness that results from loss of a happy condition, or that that arises when unhappy condition develops. Lastly, persuasive suffering refers to the internal frustrations. This suffering causes unrest and therefore an individual cannot enjoy any pleasant situations. Every living thing in the universe has desires that it would wish to be quenched. These desires for and attachments to worldly things if not accomplished lead to suffering. Therefore, the entire existence is surrounded by suffering that leads to pain. This is not just the pain of life but rather the uncertainty that exists at the center of the common universe, which arises from a person's intention to keep his life and achieving the true enlightenment. Gods are inclined to be proud and are considered to have a higher status in existence because they have very long life times which seem eternal i.e. they generally occupy the highest realms of existence. ... t origination" All things in the universe arise, abide and cease to exist through numerous causes that exist with the infinite web or interconnection in the universe. As consequence, the chain of interdependence stipulates that everything in the universe is interconnected and interacts with or affects other things in the universe. This chain can also take a perspective that objects have a context for which they are inseparable, or everything that exists is because of other causes or conditions in the universe. In this chain, nothing is absolute because all effects produced in the universe were caused by other effects, and they themselves cause other effects. This is mainly the principle behind the law of cause and effect. For example, for a table to exist seed of a tree must have grown somewhere, sunlight, water and carbon dioxide must have been used in growth of the tree. People had to exist who are a result of people having sex, saw mill and machines had to be designed to convert t he logs to timber etc. This is chain is infinite because each event that contributes to the final product is part of another infinite chain. In addition, the making of the table was as result of another cause and effect The chain of interdependent origination has twelve links or nidanas that explain how a chain of causes leads to other causes. These links are circular in nature as described in the Buddhist wheel of life. The Buddhist wheel of life provides an illustration of the Buddhist teaching. These links are: ignorance which is form of spiritual blindness or the lack of understanding in the teaching of Buddha; volitional formation or karma formation dictates the formation of action, thought process and speech which are essential in determining an individual’s fate; consciousness

Essay1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Essay1 - Essay Example Take for instance the birth of a newborn baby in this world. Unlike wild animals, which learn how to survive on their own without their mother’s nursing and attention, human babies, require full attention of their mothers in order to survive. Take for instance a waterbuck calf. Once born, the calf learns how to walk in the first few hours. At the end of the first 24 hours, it knows how to jump and run about. The mother suckles it only for a few days before it begins to eat grass and other green vegetation for survival. One week later, the calf can entirely survive on its own without the help of the mother. The newborn calf will have to fend for itself. Contrary to this case, a human child cannot survive on its own without the mother’s milk, warmth and tender care a week after birth. This would be like a death sentence to the new child. In case of inevitable circumstances where the mother has to abandon the child, such as dying during childbirth, then the community has to take the sole responsibility of ensuring the well-being and development of the newborn baby until it is mature enough to survive on its own. Most human babies learn how to eat solid food in six months, learn how to move or walk in 8 to 12 months, and learn how to speak in 10 to 15 months. During this period, the child’s brain remains underdeveloped in such a way that he or she cannot make a cognitive decision on their own, and as such, require the assistance of their mothers, guardians, or the community around them to guess and provide the child what they might be needing. In his article â€Å"Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?† Stephen Marche surveys the recent research assessing our connectedness. According to Stephen, when suffering from loneliness, â€Å"Still, loneliness is slippery, a difficult state to define or diagnose†¦how often do you feel you lack companionship?† (18). this data creates an undisputed display of our instinctual need for connectedness.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Appalachian Mountain Top Removal (strip mining) Essay

Appalachian Mountain Top Removal (strip mining) - Essay Example Everyone is aware of the dangers of black lung and cave-ins, but the coal has to be brought out at any cost. The long-suffering people in these company towns buried deep in the folded mountains and valleys of the Appalachians are the stuff of legend. Unfortunately, like most legends, the realities of modern coal mining have relegated these people to the realm of fiction. Thanks to mining methods such as Mountain Top Removal (MTR), the coal industry barely needs people at all anymore. MTR became a popular method of mining coal in the 1970’s. Traditional deep shaft mining using lots of skilled labor and traditional techniques had been growing increasingly expensive due to increasing labor costs and safety regulations. Large coal companies began to use a technique commonly called â€Å"strip mining†, where the overburden covering the coal seams was entirely removed. This method allowed for the extraction of large amounts of coal using machinery instead of human labor. This is more economical for the company but provides fewer jobs for the people most affected by the mining. MTR is much like strip mining except it happens on a massive scale. The nature of this type of mining has lead to devastating consequences for the environment, economy and society surrounding these mines. MTR in the Appalachian region, centering on the states of Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky is largely a product of the geology of the area. Through geologic time, the Appalachian Mountains have been folded and compressed. Coal seams often follow the general topography of the surrounding mountains. Traditional methods of mining involved an angled shaft that penetrated overlying resistant rock in an effort to get at the coal seam. In MTR, the entire top of a ridge is blasted away, exposing the seam. The seam is then worked from top to bottom and down slope using massive dragline and excavation machinery. The environmental

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Crime Causation and Diversion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crime Causation and Diversion - Essay Example Younger people are more inclined to take part in violence and this can lead to criminal activity. Violent behavior can lead to dangerous criminal activities in the society therefore state intervention is important in this regard. The Miami-Dade County Prevention Initiative is also designed by Miami’s Juvenile Services Department and it aims at helping the younger population who is going through family problems (Miami-Dade County Juvenile Services 1). The initiative also helps the youth of Miami who are at the risk of being arrested. The prevention program offers anger management, disruptive behavior, family issues and drug experimentation solutions to younger population. Violence Intervention Program Violence Intervention Program by the Miami Juvenile services department is an important step in order to restrict the violent streak of youth. Young people are more incline towards violence because they have defying nature. They want to go against everyone and are more probable to have an extreme approach towards life. There is a serious threat of violence from the youth and this can have a great impact on community peace. Such programs can help youth because they need a direction. Guidance is what they require and such programs offer them that. Young people who are violent are also more inclined to end up in juvenile prisons because violent behavior is a precursor of many crimes. Young people also resort to violence because they are at a stage in life where they are not aware of their aims and ambitions. This lack of direction allows them to tread on the path of violence where they are a threat to the society. Most juvenile crimes are as a result of violent behavior. Younger generation today is more open to movies and online games and this adds to their violent stream. There can be seen a surge of violence in the younger generation after popularity of video games and internet. Juvenile crimes are not done with some ill intention because young people are not mature enough to do that. Most juvenile crimes are a spur of moment thing and violent behavior plays a major role in those crimes. A simple argument in a public place can lead to a big fight among young members of the society just because one or both parties displayed violent behaviors towards each other. The program also aims at identifying causes of violent behavior in youth and then through intervention sessions systematically decrease that violent streak. Violence in youth can also be a product of the capitalistic system of the country where everyone is interested in getting the best deal. The focus is just on earning money and not on aesthetic values. Youth today will try to earn and spend more today instead of reading books or poetry. This is also a major reason of violent behavior of youth. Miami-Dade County Prevention Initiative This prevention initiative focuses on family issues that the youth face and tries to change the behavior patterns of young people. The program is a lso focusing on behavior difficulties that most youth face today. Family issues are increasing in today’s individualistic society and young members of the society are not equipped to handle such problems. They are not mature enough to understand family conflicts and complex issues. Therefore they react by taking out their frustration on the society. Family problems can definitely change the behavior of youth as they can become angry and can resolve to drug experimentation. For adolescents family

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Informative Synthesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Informative Synthesis - Essay Example However, the anticipated environmental concerns and possible health and life threatening effects are consistently increasing the international organizations’ condemnation on the eminent nuclear energy in Iran. Indeed, the nuclear reactors tragedy in Fukushima Japan brought severe and lifetime effects that proved to be dangerous and inevitable (Greenpeace 1). However, the significance of this critical subject hails from the fact that the host nation is a minority nation with more economical interests than human or global security concerns. Iran is indeed not in any way ready to compromise its quest in this project. Actually, the urge to make their dream for a nuclear source of energy has only grown more real. Additionally, Iran has been concealing a ploy to develop uranium enrichment in its territories. Indeed, Iran produced 215 billion kWh gross in 2008 generating a per capita consumption of about 2000 kWh/yr. Out of these production, 80% of its electricity was from gas and 16 .5% from oil. In fact, the nuclear energy reactor started up in Iran on 8 May 2011 through September 2011 after many years of construction and many consistent efforts against ever increasing international opposition. With 75 % production capacity realized in March, the prospects of the project oversee the project entering commercial operation about April 2012 (World Nuclear Association 1). Subject to these developments, the international organizations like the UN Security council and international governments like the US institute sanctions, trade barriers, and diplomatic withdrawals against Iran with a hope of convincing or even coercing Iran to compromise on its pursuit for Nuclear energy (UN Security council 1-12). However, despite the stringent terms, Iran has not shown any signs of giving in to international pressure where they prioritize their economic interests on nuclear energy before international interests. This puts to question the mode of decision-making that Iranian lea dership adopts on matters of global concern like the nuclear energy. The significance of international pressure on nuclear energy in Iran is a relevant issue on the University of Alabama student. I addressing this topic, I will focus on opinion articles, "Only Crippling Sanctions Will Stop Iran" of March 2, 2012 by Emanuele Ottolenghi and "Starving Iran Won't Free It† March 2, 2012  by Hooman Majd. The article, "Only Crippling Sanctions Will Stop Iran" of March 2, 2012 by Emanuele Ottolenghi is however more effective in that it draws the history of important Iranian decisions, how Iranians value sanctions, what drives the Iranians to change and the respect accorded to the Iranian government by the Iranians. This will help in analyzing the effect of the international sanctions against nuclear energy in Iran. Emanuele holds the opinion that the western allies assume that Iran’s leaders are rational actors, and rely on cost-benefit analyses to reach important decision (O ttolenghi 1). Hence, they assume that their continued gradual increase in the costs of Iran’s nuclear pursuit will lead to Tehran concession in the current nuclear standoff between the western decision makers and the Iranian decision makers. They expect the Iranian decision makers to behave rationally agree to a compromise and ignore Iran’s perspective on costs already incurred, the price of completing the journey and the advantages of turning back subject to the continued international pressure (Ottolenghi 1). The Iranian decision makers do not necessarily behave as assumed by the Western decision makers. History shows that the Iran’s decision makers are impervious to cost-benefit analysis and have never been isolationists. Hooman recognizes the fact that coercion, sanctions or exiles and their enablers